The Mind I’m Lost Inside: I’m releasing an album in 3 weeks.

Back in February of this year, I set four goals for myself. The first goal was to record and release an album of original music by the end of the year. (Let’s… not talk about the other three for now…)

Anyway, 8 months later that album, titled The Mind I’m Lost Inside, is almost finished! It’s been a huge journey and I’m going to post more reflections on what I learned while working on this project all year, but for now I just want to share some demos with you.

My stage name (after more deliberation than you want to hear about) is Maleidoscope, so I’ve set myself up a pre-release page at

Sample music below. If you like it, you can sign up at my launch site to be notified when the album’s ready..

Update 18/11/2012: The album is finished now! Listen and download at

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