Two Original Songs on a Piano

I love playing the piano, but since they are rather large I don’t usually have one around. I own a tiny keyboard, but it’s just not the same. Here are two of my favourite songs of the ones I’ve written, both recorded on a piano because they really don’t work any other way. Okay, I suppose No More could work with a huge gospel choir, but those are even harder to procure than pianos.

No More

You… you… you…

You will walk no more
You will speak no more
You will wash no more
You will eat no more

You will cough no more
You will smile no more
You will laugh no more
You will breathe…

No more!
You are no more!

You will dream no more
You will play no more
You will think no more
You will pray no more

You will sing! no more
You will dance no more
You will tire no more
will you… sleep?

You are no more!

You will read no more
You will question no more
You will teach no more
You will garden no more
You will grow, not, old…
as they that are left grow old
fear no more – worry no more
tears no more – hurt no more
shake no more – change no more

still! You will be still
Will you be still?
you are no more


Take a sphere and paint it rainbow hues
Don’t separate the colours – let them swirl
Mix them up: make greens from yellows and blues
Set it spinning in the sky and watch it twirl

Imagine a kaleidoscope
Spinning shapes and shades and making art
The beauty in the simplicity is more than you could hope
So you cherish it deep down in your heart
… and you want to take part

Nothing that is beautiful is made up of only one
For what makes the beauty really full is the juxtaposition
The beauty of a brand new earth we will behold
As in the ancient legends was foretold
… spinning tales that are made of threads of gold

Take a sphere and paint it rainbow hues
Don’t separate the colours – let them swirl
Mix them up: make greens from yellows and blues
Set it spinning in the sky and watch it twirl

Hello… beautiful world.

Fall sanely in love
If you've done enough dating indefinitely and you're ready to get real about courting, check out The Mating Dance, my 4-week zoom container on how to bring every part of yourself into the process of falling in love so you can fully commit or know it's not a fit. The Mating Dance
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